Zachary Grimes is Mortgage X-Change Wrestler of the Week. Grimes competing in the 2020 U23 Greco Roman National Tournament in Omaha Nebraska this past weekend made his way to the finals where he captured his first every National Championship at the 72kgs weight. Being the winner of the UWW U23 Nationals, will qualify Grimes for the 2021 Senior World Team Trials (same style).
One of the big surprises of the finals came at 72 kg, where Zachary Grimes scored a comeback pin over 2020 Senior Nationals runner-up Calvin Germinaro. Early on, Germinaro opened a 4-0 lead. It appeared he scored again, but a challenge gave Grimes a stepout point to make it 4-1. It was all Grimes from there. After a four-point throw and a gut wrench, Grimes scored a takedown and was able to secure the pin.
Grimes is also a 2018 Timber Creek High School Graduate who placed 3rd in State @ 6A-182. Grimes attends University of Colorado Colorado Springs and trains at the OTC.
Congratulations to Zachary Grimes!