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Coaches Preseason Regional Team Rankings released

This year, as reported earlier, the high school coaches with the Texas High School Wrestling Coaches Association (THSWCA) have come together to create a coaches poll.  This season it will only be team rankings as they want to try it out before running with individual state rankings.  Wrestling Texas will still publish Team rankings along with individual top 20 rankings per weight class per division.

The Coaches Poll Rankings will be broken down into tournament team rankings and dual team rankings for the boys.  The girls will be tournament team only as their not all regions have as many full girls teams and girls dual meets.

In addition to the regional rankings, the coaches polls will break out a true STATE team rankings later this week or next. THSWCA will update their poll four times during the season.  Again this is direct from the coaches themselves voted on per regional committee’s.

Also new this year, Wrestling Texas rankings will include weekly polling data from coaches across the state. Wrestling Texas Team rankings will still be based on the number of ranked wrestlers in the top 10 on a points system basis.

Also feel free to forward this email or just the link to your local media outlet, Newspaper, Magazine, Facebook, Blogger.  The goal is to promote wrestling throughout the state.

Click here for the Regional Rankings

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Written by TexasWrestling