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Xochitl Mota-Pettis is Mortgage X-Change Wrestler of the Week

Xochitl Mota-Pettis is Mortgage X-Change Wrestler of the Week.  Mota-Pettis  competing in the 2020 U23 Womens National Tournament in Omaha Nebraska a couple of weekends ago and won the National 57kg Championship.  A couple days before that Mota-Pettis placed 2nd in the Junior Women Nationals. A few weeks before that she placed 2nd in the Senior Womens Nationals.  Mota-Pettis Pettis has had a busy last couple of months and her efforts have paid off.

Congratulations to National Champ Xochitl Mota-Pettis.


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Written by TexasWrestling